Informations and materials

  • Makes 12 mivvi domes
  • Edible gold leaf, to decorate
  • You will also need: twelve 5cm dome moulds, twelve 7cm dome moulds, twelve 6cm metal rings, piping bag, 7mm plain piping nozzle


1. Milk Ice-Cream

  • 800ml whole milk
  • 75g caster sugar
  • ½ vanilla pod, split and scraped
  • 100ml condensed milk
  • 25g liquid glucose

1. Put the 5cm dome moulds on a tray and place in the freezer. Line a tray with silicone paper and place in the freezer.


Prepare the Milk Ice Cream:

2. Place the milk, sugar and vanilla seeds and scraped pod into a saucepan and cook over a low heat until the weight of the mixture reduces to 500g.

3. Add the condensed milk and glucose to the reduced mixture and continue to cook over a low heat until fully dissolved.

4. Remove from the heat and pass through a fine sieve then leave to cool.

5. When the Milk Ice Cream has thickened, churn in an ice cream maker. Remove the prepared tray from the freezer and spoon the milk ice cream into each dome. Use a small palette knife to push the ice cream into the sides of the dome mould and level the tops of each. Place in the freezer to set for 2 hours.

6. Place the 7cm dome moulds onto a tray in the freezer.

7. When the milk ice cream domes are fully frozen, de-mould them and put them on the prepared tray from the freezer, then return to the freezer.

2. 1 quantity of Simple Syrup

  • 225ml water
  • 190g sugar

Boil together to form syrup

3. Rhubarb Sorbet

  • 70ml water
  • 50g sugar
  • 750g rhubarb purée

Next, make the Rhubarb Sorbet:

8. Place the sugar and water into a saucepan, bring to the boil and cook for 1 minute.

9. Whisk together the rhubarb purée with the syrup. Churn the mixture in an ice cream machine.

10. Remove one of the 7cm dome moulds from the freezer, hold it with a tea towel to prevent warming it, and use a palette knife to line it with about 50g Rhubarb Sorbet. Place a dome of ice cream into the sorbet and use more sorbet to level the dome, so that the ice cream is completely encased in sorbet. Return it to the tray and place in the freezer.

11. Repeat this process until each dome is filled. Leave the domes in the freezer for at least 1–2 hours or until ready to serve.

4. Pain De Gene Sponge

  • 75g whole eggs (about 1–2 eggs)
  • 60g egg yolks (about 3 eggs)
  • 110g ground almonds
  • 110g icing sugar
  • 75g unsalted butter
  • 60g plain flour, sifted
  • 90g egg whites (about 3 eggs)
  • 50g caster sugar

Makes two 30 x 40cm baking trays


Prepare the Pain de Gène:

12. Preheat the oven to 190°C and line two 30 x 40cm baking trays with baking paper.

13. Put the whole eggs and egg yolks, ground almonds and icing sugar together in a mixing bowl and beat together for 10–12 minutes until the mixture is light and aerated.

14. Melt the butter. Fold the flour into the egg mixture and mix. When the flour is three-quarters folded through, take 2 large scoops of the mixture and add it to the melted butter. Add the butter mixture back into the base mixture and continue to fold through. Fold in until the mixture is incorporated and smooth.

15. Put the egg whites and caster sugar in a bowl and whisk to a firm meringue.

16. Fold the meringue into the base mixture and mix until combined. Spread onto the prepared baking trays. Bake in the preheated oven for 12–15 minutes until golden. Leave to cool, then cut into 7cm discs.

5. Tuile hoops


400g fresh rhubarb


17. Grease twelve 6cm metal rings and place them on a baking tray. Use a peeler to peel strips from 200g of the fresh rhubarb. Cut each strip into 17cm pieces and place each one around the prepared metal ring so that the ends overlap slightly. Place in a dehydrator at 60°C for 4 hours. Alternatively, you can use an oven preheated to its lowest setting – this may take less time to dry. Store in an airtight container until ready to use.

6. To Assemble and serve


500g whipped cream


18. Cut a stick of the remaining rhubarb diagonally into 1.5cm pieces. Poach for 10 seconds in the simple syrup, then leave to cool and strain, reserving the syrup.

19. To serve, soak each sponge disc with the reserved syrup and place on the base of each frozen dome. De-mould each dome and place on individual serving dishes. Spoon the whipped cream into a piping bag fitted with a 7mm plain nozzle. Pipe bulbs of cream around each dome. Decorate with rhubarb tuile hoops, a piece of poached rhubarb and some gold leaf.



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