
Informations and materials

  • For 50 beignets


1. Ginger ganache

  • 149 g liquid cream 35 % Fat
  • 18 g inverted sugar
  • 40 g fresh chopped ginger
  • 1 g fresh mint
  • 37 g Manjari covering chocolate (Valrhona)
  • 222 g Tanariva covering chocolate (Valrhona)
  • 33 g butter extra fin

Bring the cream and the inverted sugar to a boil in a pan.

Off the heat, add the chopped ginger, the mint and film the pan to let brew for 5 minutes.

Pass through a chinois and, in three goes, pour the chocolate covering, which you will have grinded in advance.

Mix with a spatula to obtain a homogenous mix and put in a mixer to finalise the emulsion.

When the ganache has cooled to 35°C, add the butter and mix again until the mix is smooth, shiny and homogenous.

For 10g of ganache in 3cm silicone half spheres and put to freeze.

2. Madeleine mix

  • 70 g flour T55
  • 2 g baking powder
  • 70 g fresh eggs
  • 80 g caster sugar
  • 3 lemon zests
  • 1 g liquid vanilla
  • 70 g butter extra fin
  • 4 g inverted sugar

Sieve the flour and the baking powder.
Mix the eggs with the sugar, the lemon zest and the liquid vanilla, and add the flour and the baking powder.
Melt the butter at 45°C and pour on the inverted sugar.
Incorporate the butter and the inverted sugar on the egg mix, mixing with a spatula to obtain a homogenous mix. Leave to rest for one night in the refrigerator.

Poach the madeleine moulds with a smooth sleeve, which you will have buttered lightly.

Put in the oven at 230 °C and switch of the oven, keeping the madeleines inside for 4 minutes.

Switch the oven back on and lower the temperature to 180°C for 10 minutes, until the madeleines have a nice bulge and a nice colour.

Take out of the oven and leave to cool.
Unmould and put the madeleines in a mixer to obtain a breadcrumb.

3. Macaroon dough

  • 15 g water
  • 70 g caster sugar
  • 55 g fresh egg white (30 g + 25 g)
  • 80 g de sucre glace
  • 80 g white almond powder

Heat the water and the sugar at 120 °C.
Pour the syrup on 30g of egg white and quickly raise with a mixer with a whip at high speed to obtain a smooth, shiny and firm meringue.

Mix the icing sugar and the almond powder with the remaining 25g of egg whites.
Incorporate the meringue to the mix.

Poach the macaroons on a tray covered with a sheet of baking paper.

Leave the macaroons at room temperature for 20 minutes to allow them to crust.

Bake them at 155 °C for 17 minutes to make the shells dry.

Take out of the oven and leave to cool before grinding them into a powder with a mixer.

4. Dressing

  • 40 g egg white
  • 1 l grape seed oil
  • 2 limes

Unmould the half spheres of ginger ganache and stick them together to make a ball.

Put them to the freezer for about 10 minutes and dip them into 40g of egg white before rolling them into the madeleine breadcrumbs.

Repeat the operation a second time.

Cover with a third cover of egg white by rolling the balls of ganache in the macaroon powder.

Finish by frying them immediately in a bath of grape seed oil heated at 180°C. Bake the beignets for one and a half minute approximately and lay them on absorbing paper, adding a bit of lime on top.

Taste rapidly to enjoy the crust and the tasty heart…



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