Privacy policy

Personal data:

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, known as “GDPR”, for any information or exercise of your Data Protection rights (including the rights of access, rectification or deletion) on the processing of your personal data by the Structure, you can contact the Structure via the contact form on this site or by post sent to the address indicated on the page of this form.

Only general traffic statistics are collected when you browse the site. This data is collected solely to allow the Structure to analyze the traffic on its information pages in order to improve their content. Data relating to visitor browsing is not used by name.

The personal data collected on the site results from the voluntary communication of an email address when sending an electronic message (information not stored).

The email addresses thus collected are only used to transmit the requested information. The email addresses collected will not be transferred to third parties or processed in any other way by the Structure.

Use of cookies:

A cookie is a small text file in alphanumeric format placed on the user’s hard drive by the server of the site visited or by a third-party server (web analytics service, etc.). Thanks to cookies, the website can make browsing easier and provide additional services.

The website does not use the data collected by cookies to reuse them for commercial purposes or to resell private information.

You can choose to disable cookies in your browser based on the documentation below (to be selected according to your web browser):
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
Windows Phone

You can revoke cookies. Warning: disabling cookies may prevent you from using certain features of the site.

Storage duration of your data:

If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are kept indefinitely. This allows us to recognize and approve the following comments automatically instead of leaving them in the moderation queue.
Visitor comments can be checked using an automated spam detection service.

For any questions regarding the GDPR policy, you can contact us via the contact form.