

Discover how pastry chefs and chocolate makers have concocted a sweet magic to celebrate the period we have to wait until Christmas. Delightfully imagined, their Advent calendars invite you to enthral day after day. Behind every little door, a sweet surprise waits, brightening our mornings with a touch of deliciousness. Between the fine chocolates and the divine pralines, these calendars enchant our senses as we count the days until the fairy of the Christmas season. A sweet tradition which turns the wait into a succulent journey, where every day is an irresistible promise.

In this sumptuous Advent calendar, with pure design, blinding with lights and limitless reflections, let the emotion engendered by the polar bear, effigy of the model offered by Patrick Agnelletcarry you away. Every day, savour these creations that will be part of your memories of unforgettable moments!

This year, Vianney Bellanger propose you an Advent calendar on the theme of snowy summits! Dive into the enchanting spirit of the ski resorts during the Christmas festivities. The many and varied flavours of this calendar will instantly transport you to the slopes!

Melt for the sumptuous Enchanted Forest design proposed by Nicolas Bernardé and let the little animals guide you, day after day, through the sweet treats, until the Christmas Eve you have been so long waiting for!

Discover this calendar designed by Luigi Biasetto, born from the desire to let express two young artists who have a resolutely modern style: Samuele Rosin and Martino Zanardo. Wait patiently until Christmas, by way of a magical journey to discover delicious treats.

Between pastries, chocolates and sweets, the pastry chef Sébastien Bouillet has combined his talents in order to elaborate an Advent calendar as delectable as varied!

In their precious packaging designed by Jean-Philippe Darcis, the delights of the calendar bring us closer to the Christmas festivities each day. Discover every day twenty-four sweet treats created especially for the occasion: pralines, fruit jellies, marzipans, biscuits…

With inspiration from the work of Jules Verne, “Les Petits beurre autour du Monde”  by Vincent Guerlais invites you to discover new flavours. Meet some astonishing and comforting flavours, and experience twelve new recipes created especially for the event!

Christmas magic comes to life in this charming gingerbread house proposed by Maison Guillet. By opening its drawers, you will find an assortment of Maison Guillet’s delights for twenty-four days.

Garnished with twenty-four surprises from praline rocher to mendiant and salted butter caramels, the “Une nuit à l’Opéra” calendar illustrates the very close parallel between music and chocolate-making as conceived by Jean-Paul Hévin

An absolute for chocolate lovers and gourmets looking for sweet delights, melt for Laurent Le Daniel’s calendar, which offers a variety of milk and dark chocolates, ganaches, pralines and melting caramels to cheer up each day of the festive season!

Maison Lenôtre invites young and old food lovers to the imaginary land of treats! Populated by fantastic animals and sweet treats brilliantly illustrated with fine felt pen by the artist Michael Cailloux, discover the twenty-four sweet treats that will make the wait for the festive night a little sweeter!

Nestle yourself at the foot of the Christmas tree and by the fireplace with the calendar offered by Maison Oberweis and enjoy opening a new date’s box from 1 to 24 December.

Waiting with pleasure and stock up on sweet treats until Christmas, that is the Christophe Roussel’s promise! Let yourself be seduced by the 24 products in the collection, including some new treats to discover: chocolate-covered rochers, speculoos man, raspberry or chocolate marshmallows, vanilla truffles, Christmas fried foods…

Through its calendar, Maison Sève invites you to immerse yourself in the Manga world, written by the Japanese artist Rena Nomiya. Savour the sweetness of chocolate sweets, red pralines, orangettes, mendiants, fruit jellies, marshmallows and other florentine treats…

this year, wait until Christmas with this maxi crackers, in the original shape, composed of delicious chocolate surprises concocted by Alban Guilmet and his team.



Yule logs – real works of culinary art that enchant our festive tables year after year. Made with passion and creativity by talented pastry chefs, they reflect the spirit of the festive period, with their combination of exquisite flavours and irresistible design. Discover the magic world of these sweet delights, that make every Christmas meal an unforgettable gustatory experience.


Throughout the month of January, the Galettes of Kings as usual adorn our patissiers’ windows beckoning us towards delicious pastry horizons. This centuries-old gourmet encounter offers variations of both shape and flavours. Discover our members’ offerings for this New Year!

 Participatory diagnosis of the ‘Femme Rurale du Littoral’ cooperative (Rural Woman of the Littoral) 

Some time ago, we told you about our commitment alongside the ‘Club des Chocolatiers Engagés’ as part of the ‘Femme Rurale du Littoral’ project. The aim of this initiative is to promote the financial independence of a cooperative of 70 women, in particular by growing cocoa in the south of Cameroon. Let’s take a look at the latest advances in the field.